We face together an extraordinary situation where the world is going into lockdown to face the very real threat posed by Covid-19.
I wanted to assure you that Ceva is taking every contingent step possible, to firstly protect our own employees (and ensure they don’t contaminate others) and then to make sure that we continue to provide you our customers with the products, equipment and services essential to your operations.
I have no wish to add to the plethora of communications around Covid-19, except to say that Ceva will do everything within our power to support you, our most valued customers.
Our global manufacturing and supply chain is fully engaged in managing resources and shipments to and from our facilities. Thanks to our robust inventory planning, so far we have had no impact on product availability. For our strategic vaccines and pharmaceutical products, we always carry several months of safety stocks.
All our global manufacturing plants continue to run as normally as possible with the health and well-being of our workers being our primary concern. I would like to publicly thank them for their sense of civic duty in continuing to produce the animal health products our customers rely on.
Ceva’s local teams are engaging with all customers to elaborate the best plan to support continuity of supply. Local and Global business contingency teams are constantly monitoring this very fluid environment and we will of course keep you fully informed should matters change.
Please if you have any more specific questions direct them to your immediate Ceva contact and if necessary, use this address: corporate.communication@ceva.com
As veterinarians, farmers, pet owners or animal health workers you all know the vital role animals play in our society.
As we ask many people to avoid contact with other people, pets will play an extremely important role in providing companionship to the most vulnerable groups, particularly older people whose mental and physical health could otherwise be severely affected by such isolation.
Although, in many parts of the world we take for granted the supply of inexpensive and plentiful food, this crisis will strain our supply chains to the limit and maybe help society to better understand the value that livestock farming brings to our communities.
Our Ceva value of solidarity fits this challenge perfectly.
To all our customers and especially my fellow veterinarians, your role in this crisis is key, you have my commitment that we are together with you, and as One Ceva.
Marc Prikazsky
Chairman & CEO Ceva Santé Animale